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  • Friday Night Celebration For Graduates Of Society Of Mediators Course In Grand Cayman
24th November 2024
Friday Night Celebration for Graduates of Society of Mediators Course in Grand Cayman
Friday Night Celebration for Graduates of Society of Mediators Course in Grand Cayman

After five days of intensive training all 18 attendees celebrated their graduation at a party hosted by Martyn and Vivian at their home Callaloo on Friday evening, with guest of honour MP Andre Ebanks who has wholeheartedly supported this initiative sponsored by the Bould Foundation and Cayman Islands Mediation and Arbitration Centre from its inception.

The enthusiasm and thanks of each person attending the course was palpable, and thanks were described as “special and amazing opportunity”, ”thank you for everything a valuable skill to last a lifetime, “cannot thank you enough for this incredible opportunity”.

Course tutors Jonathan Dingle and Tristana Lauro led a week of engaging, informative and fun mediation skills, with attendees learning form the very beginning the importance of listening as opposed to talking.

A very special thanks to Megan Paget Brown of the Cayman Islands Mediation and Arbitration Centre, who for several months flawlessly managed the registration of the attendees, the provision of significant documentation and course materials, and the accommodation to enable group and breakout practice sessions.

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